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Чемпионат Мира - 2011. Часть 2

Tess: Место проведения: Токио (Япония). Дата проведения: 7-16 октября. Официальный сайт: http://www.2011tokyo.com/ Текстовые трансляции: http://www.dtb-liveticker.de/ Результаты: http://gymnasticsresults.com/worlds/2011/tokyo.html

Ответов - 301, стр: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 All

alexes99: Американцы на вольных лихо начали: Лежандр 6.8/8.633 15.433 Далтон 6.6/8.766 15.366

Tess: alexes99 пишет: Лежандр 6.8/8.633 15.433 Вот это меня радует.

alexes99: На коне так же хорошо Наддур 6.2/9.033 15.233 Орозко 6.4/8.600 15.000 После трех снарядов без сенсации, в пятерке лидеров 4 японца и пуэрто-риканец Ривейра

DJKiara: Эх, Ксюша-Ксюша!!! Такие шикарные вольные, так все четко сделала, и смазанная последняя акробатика! Но есть шанс исправиться в командных и в многоборье! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aezn3C5qKLo&feature=feedu

DJKiara: RRocket Спасибо огромное за информацию! А вот на счет Райзман на бревне - такое ощущение, что носки и колени совсем не тянет, особенно колени. http://www.youtube.com/user/Mrsangeandbella#p/u/11/VL5IPDac4SI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MS36mKH8VAM&feature=feedu

alexes99: У японцев серьезная потеря, с Юсуке Танакой - травма на вольных.

Tess: Надеюсь, что Хортон в финале останется.

annat: videos and results: http://betweentheolympics.wordpress.com/2011/10/08/full-results-and-videos/ just click on the score to get a link to the video

Эйрин: RRocket пишет: Викино бревно - это просто праздник женской гимнастики! И Ваши "разборы полетов" - это тоже праздник. Спасибо!

Игорь: Лейва мимо финала на перекладине А я очень хотел увидеть его новую программу на 7.5...Не судьба на этом чемпионате видимо.

Игорь: Tess А ты с какого сайта скриншот вставила? Надо бы его в шапку темы, чтобы в процессе смотреть результаты с базами.

Tess: Игорь , http://gymnasticsresults.com/worlds/2011/tokyo.html , но еще на сайте FIG вроде выкладывают или какой-то еще сайт мелькал у нас в темах. Игорь пишет: Надо бы его в шапку темы, чтобы в процессе смотреть результаты с базами. Хорошо. Вольные Лежандра - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0paDcuBie8&feature=feedu

Игорь: Tess Спасибо! А я и не заметил, что они вверху пишут промежуточные результаты. И уже могу сказать, что хоть квал-ция только началась, а уже часть явных фаворитов на финалы пролетели мимо. На вольных Макото Окигучи должен был бы попадать в финал, но не прошёл. Но хорошо что Учимура, Лежандр и Дальтон выступили нормально. Хотя от Лежандра стоило ждать большего... На коне я в шоке Лидирует Учимура, хотя это его самый слабый вид А вот Наддур вместо 6.7 сделал только 6.2 и мимо финала. Также Орозко не очень здорово отработал. На кольцах у Хортона 15.366. Во прикол будет, если он в финал попадёт. Ну то что Ямамуро первый пока что, сомневаться не приходится. А вот на прыжке я удивлён. Недостаток информации сказывается. У Окигучи оказывается классный прыжок! Два семибальных и какая оценка - 15.349. Это гарантия попадания в финал. Также какой неизвестный вьетнамец(!) Ха Тан Нгуен то же пожет попасть в число финалистов. Пока лучший результат на прыжке этого года 16.650 у корейца Ян Хак Сеона был. Подождём, понаблюдаем сможет ли он повторить такой уровень. Чемпиона Японии на брусьях Казухито Танака с тауой программой в 6.8 может вообще не попасть в финал Откровенно будет жаль. Зато могут попасть Лейва с Барбекаром. Может и разбавят там присутствие азиатов. Учимура молодец. Пока первый с базой 6.4. А мы знаем, что он готов делать 6.9 Очень плохо, если Юсуко Танака травмировался. Его выступление на перекладине украсило бы финал. 7.0 база и отличная чистота. Учимура, я думаю сможет пройти в финал, пусть и с оценкой 15.533, хотя конечно со скрипом.

alexes99: Игорь пишет: Очень плохо, если Юсуко Танака травмировался. Его выступление на перекладине украсило бы финал. 7.0 база и отличная чистота. Да вроде пишут, что травма не очень серьезная. Украина довольно скромно выступила, большего ожидал.

haga: http://www.fedintgym.com/microsites/11Tokyo/Results/qual/livetabqualmag.html

haga: Драгулеску все 6 снарядов сделал и довольно неплохо, что удивило немного. п.с. я в прошлом году, на ЧМ когда был, так с ним в одной гостинице жил, фактически в соседних номерах. А гостиница, скажу я вам, одна из самых дешёвых. Я думал, что чемпионы Мира могут себе получше условия позволить.

Victor: 2011 Worlds: MAG qualifications 1 Morning everyone. With the home team competing this morning, we have the biggest audience so far. There was a queue (very orderly) all the way round the arena to get in and the upper tier of seating is filling up. In marching news, we have marching ladies today, rather than men (a nice touch). Rotation One Orozco (USA) FX: 2/1 front, 1 ½ 1 ¾ roll, tuck 1 ¾, 1 ½ - 1/1, stuck 2 1/2 Rodriguez (PUR) PH : made it through, decent swing Tanaka, K. (JPN) R : nice strength part, double Graca (POR) V : FTY Leyva (USA) FX : 2/2 straight, straight Thomas, tucked Thomas, 1/1 – ½, 2 ½, double straight (hop and a step) Rivera (PUR) PH : another clean routine Tanaka, Y. (JPN) R : amazing seated v cross, Almeida (POR) V : Kaz 1/1 Phuoc Hung (VIE) PB : Finalist last year, but falls early on. Horton (USA) FX : Calls of ‘Go J-Ho’. Don’t be fooled by the rocks that he’s got. Or something like that. 1 ½ - 1/1 1 1 ¾, 2/2 tuck, 2 ½ - front 1/1, Thomas, rudi, full-in with a big step Vargas (PUR) PH : another clean 14+ routine Kobayashi (JPN) R : some body shape issues on the maltese, but nice 2/2 tuck dismount Araujo (POR) V : Kaz 1 1/2 Legendre (USA) FX: 2 ½ twist double, nice landing, piked double Arabian 1/1, nice, Thomas, 2 ½ - 1 ¾, 2/1 – 1/1 front, arabain double pike. Good landings Morales-Casado (PUR) PH: falls Uchimura (JPN) R: hits Campos (POR) V: 1.5TY Dalton (USA) FX : Arabian double layout – hop, Thomas, 1 ½ - 2/1, whip – tucked Thomas (kicks out), 2 ½ - 1/1, sticks triple (chest a bit down). Very good landings. Yamamuro (JPN) R: seat cross press out to inverted cross, honma to maltese (a bit high with the feet). Rotation Two Alothman FX : some wild tumbling (as in slightly out of control), but a triple twist close. Leyva PH : hits, Yin running around at the top of the seating area Vargas R: hits Tanaka, Y. V : Kaz 1 ½, small step Abdulrada FX : Arabian double Horton PH: triple Russian on the end, doesn’t make the scissor to HS, makes it through, but not much swing. Rivera R: doing well, but seems to lose the swing at one point, 1/1 double straight dismount Kobayashi V: Randi, hands down. Legendre PH : feet apart the whole way and really struggles to keep the swing. Ramos, T. (PUR) R : roll to seat cross, press out to inverted cross, back uprise to invested cross, struggles to hold a couple of HSs, stuck double straight. Okiguchi (JPN) V : Kaz 2/1 Orozco PH : no HS on the first scissor, legs apart on the X, 2/1 dismount. Puzzled by the score. Morales-Casado R : strength a bit high and really struggles in the swings to HS Yamamuro V: kaz 2/1 (step) very high, falls on HS 2/1 twist front. Simoes PB : falls on the dismount and somehow manages to end up off the mat! Alherz (KUW) FX : falls on 2/1 front dismount Naddour PH : best swing so far, but horrible feet. Scissor to HS, spindles, Russian on 1 handle, Sohn (I think) and a 2/1 dismount Ramos, A R : falls on the 1/1 double straight dismount Uchimura V : hands down on the randi! Campos PB : bhavsar, diamadov, good routine. Terrible vault rotation for Japan. Good pommels for the US, but I'm afraid we need to strat again with their feet. Rotation 3 Dalton R : slightly bent knees in the double front pike, loose back in a couple of HS, really struggles in the fwd giant, 1 ½ double back dismount well-landed. E score doesn’t seem dfferent enough to the hit Japanese routines given the struggles. Vargas V : kaz 1/1 Yamamuro PB : peach, peach 1/1, front 1 ¼, double back, tippelt, double pike step Lopes Romero (POR) HB : Legendre R : feet very low in maltese, 1 ½ double back. Rodriguez V : Kaz 1 1/2 Kobayashi PB : peach ½ (short), peach, double back from upper arms, double back fromsuppot, double back from under the bar, double pike (hop) Berrios FX : falls on double arabian Morris PH : falls Leyva R : high in planche, 1/1 double straight with a hop Ramos, A. V : Kaz 1 ½ Tanaka, Y. PB : great. Fantastic stuck double pike dismount. Orozco R : seat cross press to maltese, swing to maltese, swing to high planche, swing to high straddle planche, honma, stuck double pike front. Rivera V : nice Kaz 1 1/2 Tanaka, K. PB : peach 1/1 (a bit wild) – uprise double, double pike, double pike fromt support, Stutz, Stutz to 1 bar, stuck double pike. Horton R : hits, 2/2 tuck dismount. Advised to get nasty by one of the support crew in the audience. Not sure this is necessary. Morales-Casado V : nice Kaz 1 ½, small hop Uchimura PB : peach – back toss – double from upper arms, tippelt, double from swing, swing salto ½ (basically a tuck gienger) – straddle front 1 ¼ to upper arms, stuck double pike Campos HB : very hig hop 1/1, American camp have a curious habit of cheering on the apparatus (Let’s go rings). Perhaps it will help. Rotation 4 Orozco V : front 2/1 twist, decent landing, but a bit lacking in height Yamamuro HB : rybalko, squat 1/1, yamawaki, 2/2 straight Leyva V : Nice Kaz 1 ½, small hop. Kobayashi HB : squat 1/1 – yamawaki, kolman, 2/2 straight Horton V : dragalescu, not really complete in the turn Tanaka, K. HB : kolman, tak ½ - straight tkatchev, squat 1/1 – yamawaki, 2/2 straight a bit low and step forward Legendre V : 4 point landing on the dragalescu. The turn was more complete than Horton though. Tanaka, Y. HB : kolman, rybalko, tak – kovac, rybalko again? Squat 1/1 – yamawaki, endo 1/1, hop 1/1, stuck 2/2 straight. Very nice routine. Dalton V : Kaz 2/1, deep landing, front 2/1 twist, step. Uchimura HB : huge piked kovac, stalder hop 1 ½, tak 1/1 – yamawaki, huge kovac, kolman, hop 1/1, rybalko, nailed 2/2 straight. “Good job vault, let’s get p-bars” ?!? Speaking of P bars, the Puerto Ricans didn't have the best of times there. Lots of short peach 1/2s, and body form problems. Rotation 5 Yamamuro FX : 1 ½ - 2/1 – 1/1 tucked, Arabian double pike, randi, 2 ½ - tuck ½, Arabian double tuck Legendre PB : peach, double back from swing, diamadov, Stutz, double front support, back toss, double pike (good landing) Tanaka, K. FX : 2/2 tuck (step forward) 1 ½ - 1/1 – rudi, 2 ½ - tuck ½, ½ twisting 1 ¾, falls on triple twist Dalton PB : hit routine, small step on the double pike. Vargas – german giants but something goes really wrong and he ends up on his back near the front of the mat. Tanaka, Y. FX : 1 ½ - 1/1 twisting 1 ¾ and hits his head. Staggers around but can’t continue. Shows why roll outs are so dangerous. Orozco PB : missed this with the drama of Tanaka. Hit though and good double pike dismount Ramos – yamawaki – gienger ( a bit different), good 2/2 straight dismount. Okiguchi FX : Tong Fei – 1 1/4 , randi, stuck 2/2 tuck, 1 ½ -1/1 (not intended I think), 2 ½ - front ½, full-in, small hop Horton PB : lots of double backs (pike from swing, tuck from support), front uprise 1/1, stuck double pike. Uchimura FX : 1 ½ - 1/1 1 1 ¾, 2 ½ - 2/1, Arabian double pike ½ (stuck), 2 ½ - rudi, tuck Thomas, triple twist (hop) Leyva PB : hits cold, peach 1/1 – peach 1/1, diamadov, giant 1 ½, double pike Rotation Six Morales-Casado FX : Great routine for him. Interesting to see how much better the men are coping with the landings than the women. Tanaka, K. PH : near the end of this routine and falls. The Japanese men are certainly not rising to the occasion. Legendre HB : hits a good routine, kolman, piked kovacs, tuck kovacs and a big triple dismount. Ramos, A. FX : 1/1 – 2/1 twist front, good landings, ½ 1 ¾ straight, tucke Thomas, 2 ½ Okiguchi PH: given he wasn’t scheduled to compete, that was a good routine Hoang V : front 2/1 twist, falls forward on Kaz 1 ½ Dalton HB : goes wrong on a forward giant, bent arms and has to press to HS basically. Rivera FX : oob on first pass. Yamamuro PH : hits. Ha Thanh V : Kaz 1 ½, perfect stuck yurchenko double pike. AMAZING 16.6!!!! Orozco HB : nice Liukin, rybalko, tak 1/1 – yamawaki, tak ½- straight tkatchev, hop 1.1, 1/1 double straight stuck Kobayashi PH : hits Horton HB : cassina, kolman, straight kovacs, tak 1/1 – yamawaki, 1/1 double straight, small hop Uchimura PH : hits Leyva HB : tak 1/1 – yamawaki, straight kovacs – bent arms on giant out of it, wild liukin, improvises to get out of it, tak ½ - straight tkatchev, his squat dislo hop - endo, 2/2 straight (step). Thoughts on the subdivision: USA were pretty close to their best. Legendre on vault and Leyva on HB could bring them some extra tenths, but pommels, their nemisis, was about as good as they could do. Japan had a disaster by their standards. Vault was terrible for them and floor, which does seem to be a weak piece for them, didn't go well either. Uchimura is a beast (2 marks ahead with a fall?). Tanaka's floor incident reminded me of the North Korean at the WUG in 91. It was scary and further confirms that roll-out skills need to go. Puerto Rico were not quite as on fire as last year, but they still gave a good showing. I would have thought that would be enough for the test event. They produced clean work, although I wonder if their choice to go basically hair free robbed them of some extra power, ala Samson, and that's why there were so many 2 1/2 twist dismounts on floor! Portugal gave a poorish performance. They don't have the lines or the difficulty to get away without hitting. Perfomance of the rotation was definitely the Vietnamese vault. Where they found 0.4 to take off, I don't know. Could Vietnam have contenders in both the men's and women's vault finals? Amazing источник http://www.the-all-around.com/

Victor: 2011 Worlds: MAG qualifications 2 The gymnasts are warming up. Stepko is all grown up. Awww. Switzerland are being bold in the fashion stakes with some foil side pieces on their uniforms. Excited for Ashih Kumar on vault! Rotation One Zozulia (UKR) FX : big step on opening and closing tumbles. Brägger (SUI) PH: magyar, sivado, uses strength on the dismount. Srour (EGY) R: think he destroyed his shoulder on his dismount. Been lying on the floor for quite some time with ice on it. Alok (IND) V: kas 1/2 Dragulescu (ROU) PB: diamadox, fron 1 ¼, Stutz to 1 bar, double pike (hop) Nakonechnyi (UKR) FX: Arabian double (big hop), 2 ½ - 1/1, tucked Thomas, front 1 ¾, 1 1/2 – rudi, stuck triple twist Haller (SUI) PH: travel in HS, legs apart on the Magyar, comes off on the tong fei?, Kumar (IND) V: tsuk double pike to backward roll, I jinxed him Koczi (ROU) PB: basket (misses a hand and short), tipplet, Stutz to one, double pike. Stepko (UKR) FX: arabain double pike, 2 ½ - straight (large step), front 1 ¾ nice straight leg roll out, front 2/1, marinich, full in bounce back. Groves (SUI) PH: hits the horse on a travel to the pommels and sort of stops, sits down between the pommels, Buidoso (ROU) PB: peach ½ peach, diaomdov, front 1 ¾, healy and has to pres, Stutz to 1 bar, double pike Kuksenkov (UKR) FX: Arabian double, 2/1 front - front 1/1, 2 ½ - 1/1, HS – front 1 ¾, Thomas, good triple twist Capelli (SUI) PH: made it through but used strength on the dismount and sort of fell out of HS (to his feet, so ok). Cotuna (ROU) PB:beach, bhavsar, tippelt, double pike Verniaiev (UKR) FX: double double, 2/1 - 1/1 (oob), tucked Thomas (step), 2 ½ - front ½, triple (low and jump to the side) Bucher (SUI) PH: stockli, 1080 russin between the handles, sivado, Magyar, turning travel, Russian dismount. Berbecar (ROU) PB: peach, peach ½, giant , huge double back from swing, bhavsar, tippelt, healy, Stutz to 1, double pike (step) Rotation Two Zozulia PH: scissor to hs, stocklis, Russian on one handle, Magyar, loses form on the sizado, dismounts ok Brägger R: double pike front dismount, hit. El Saharty V: greaty DTY. Alok PB: double back to noes Buidoso HB:the usual tak 1/1 – yamawaki, rybalko, stuck 2/2 tuck. Ng Kiu Chung FX: nice double front opener, double pike Nakonechnyi PH: nearly lost it travelling back off the pommels, strength in the dismount Bucher R: high in the straddle planche, double front pike dismount (hop) Kumar PB: tippelt, healy, double pike Cotuna HB: stalder hop 1/1 to reverse and pings off the bottom. Shek Wai Hung FX: 2/1 – 1/1 (oob), 2 ½ - ½, ½ 1 ¾ straight, double twist close Stepko PH: consecutive scissor to HS, stocklis (pikes and has to fight), magyar, sivado, 2/1 dismount. Rickli (SUI) R: fights in some of his long swings to HS, 1/1 double straight with a step forwad Koczi HB: hideous form on the 2/2 dismount (straight/pike/tuck?) Kuksenkov PH: scissor to HS, stocklis, wu, Magyar, sivado, nice dismount. Capelli R: 2/2 dismount with two large steps forward (chest too low on landing). Palgen V: high kaz 1/1 with a delayed wrap from the front position. Dragulescu PB: tak ½ - def, kolman, 1/1 double straight (hop) Verniaiev PH :scissor to HS twice (second not to hs), loses form on 1 handle, triple russian on the end, Magyar, sivado, 2/1 dismount. Mostafa V: astonishing amount of tap (black) down the back of his leg. Kaz 1/1 Berbecar hb: 1 arm 1/1, tak 1/1 – yamawaki, endo 1/1, tak ½, stalder 12, squat dislo, 2/2 tuck good landing Rotation Three Buidoso FX: 2/1 – ½, 2 ½ -1/1, Arabian double, 1 1 2/ - rudi, triple twist and big bounce OOB. Nakonechnyi R: high in strength parts Rickli V: kaz 1/1 (step), Mostafa PB: fell on dismount at exactly the same time as Parta on HB. Double crash. Bataga (ROU) FX: thomas straight and tuck, 2 ½ - 1/1, full-in Shek Wai Hung PH: Stepko R: cross (high), kip to cross (hich), double pike front – double tuck front – straddle plance (high and short), beautiful line, double straight Bucher V: tidy Kaz 1/1 Cotuna FX: 1 ½ - 1/1 1 ¾, twisting pass, Thomas, randi, triple twist (step back) Radivilov (UKR) R: slightly high in inverted cross, 2/2 tuck with a hop Brägger V: lovely DTY. Dragulescu FX: Arabian double pike, 1 ½ - 1/1 1 ¾, 2 ½ - rudi, 2/1 – 1/1, tucked Thomas, 2/2 tucked. Great routine. Kuksenkov R: missed it Groves V: 2.5TY and grabs knee. Some choice phrases can be heard across the arena. Landing didn’t look at all bad. Appears to be walking around again now though, thank goodness Kumar HB: crashed his dismount (long and no rotation) Koczi FX: 2 ½ - 1/1 ¾, 2/1 – rudi, tucked thomas, 3 ½ - front 1/1 tuck, triple twist (step). Madness. Zozulia R: 1/1 double straight dismount. Missed the rest, I’m afraid Capelli V: Roche, big step forward Rotation 4 Berbercar PH: made it through. Verniaiev V: huge double front (step) Brägger PB: moy, healy, diamadox (walks and loses legs), diamdov 1 ½ and falls, double pike (step) Dalakishvili FX: gross red and yellow sotcks. Bataga PH: stocklis (loses leg), Magyar, sivado, strength in the 3/1 dismount. Stepko V: amazing double front. Landed on the line, feet together and standing up. Haller PB: healy, Stutz to 1, Stutz, double pike. Buidoso PH: Russian on 1 handle, kehre, Magyar, sivado, stockli, again a bit of strength in the dismount. Radivilov V: super dragalescu, very high but messy legs. Tsuk double pike and touches down. Kumar FX: 2 ½ - double front, 1 ½ - rudi, front 1/1 – 2/1, whip – Thomas, triple twist (inches out of bounds) Dragulescu PH: scissor to HS, stockli, magyar, sivado, struggled on the dismount Kuksenkov V: 2.5TY (step back) Bucher PB: giant double back, moy, healy, diamadov, high double pike (small hop) Rotation Five I was wrong, Groves must have blown his knee. He has not competed on either PB or HB as planned. Cotuna R: stuck 2/2 dismount Zozulia PB: uprise front pike, back toss, double from swing, double from support, front 1 ¼ to arms, double pike (even the Ukrainian guys can do Ukrainian pike!) Brägger HB: clean work, 2/2 straight dismount Buidoso R: front pike to seat cross, cross, straddle planche (short), stuck 1 ½ double tuck. Stepko PB: peach ½, pach, diamadox, front 1 ¼ to arms (caught himself on the bar but continued), healy, nailed double pike (basically landing everthing with his feet in 1st position) Bucher HB:yamawaki, tucked kovacs, endo 1.1, 2/2 straight (small steps) Dragulescu R: high inverted cross Ng Kiu Chung V: double front (a bit low) kaz (falls) Kuksenkov PB: peach ½ - peach, giant 1/1, giant, straddle 1 ¼, moy, Stutz, double pike. Haller HB: missed it. Shek Wai Hung V: nicely landed roche, kaz 2/1 with a great landing. Verniaiev PB: tippelt, Stutz to 1 and has to come back in to 2, Stutz, nailed double pike. Capelli HB: stalder hop 1 1/2 , jaeger ½ to mixed, yamawaki, hop 1/1, rybalko, endo 1/1, Koczi R: fell on his dismount Nakonechnyi PB: another super landing Rickli HB: yamawaki, rybalko to L, straight tkatchev – straddle stakchev, nice straight moznik, good dismount. Rotation Six Bucher FX: Arabian double, 1 ½ - 1/1, double twist, front 1 ¾, 2 ½. Buidoso V: DTY low and step forward Zozulia HB: pike kovac, tuck kovacs, goes awry on the tak 1/1 and pikes the yamwaki, stuck dismount. Brägger FX: Arabian double (hop), 2/1 – front, 2 ½ - ½, Thomas, 1 ½ - rudi, triple twist. Bataga V: Kaz 1 ½ Ng Kiu Chung PB: Stepko HB:yamawaki, german giants, hop 1/1, endo 1/1, triple (wide cowby and big step) Haller FX: rudi, ½ 1 ¾, front 1 ¾, 1 ½ - 1/1 (oob), 2 ½ Berbecar V: double front and almost walks onto a judge’s table. Shek Wai Hung PB: Kuksenkov HB: kolman, stalder hop 1 ½, tak ½ to yamawaki, hop 1/1, 1/1 double straight. Rickli FX: 1/1 - 2/1, ½ 1 ¾, 2 ½ - ½, ½ - front 1 ¾, full-in. Koczi V: kaz 2/1 but lacking height and a little hop forward. E score curious. Same vault, but called it a randi, again no height but this time very large step forward and knee almost down. Verniaiev HB: missed most of it, 2/2 straight with a big step Capelli FX: super landings until the last triple twist where he bounced back and nearly put his hands down. Dragulescu V: his vault, with a step, but who else does it with knees together?, Xiaopeng second vault, knee nearly down as he was lacking in height Nakonechnyi HB: high kovas, rybalko, tak1/2, tkatchev, tak 1/1 – yamawaki, good dismount источник http://www.the-all-around.com/

Victor: он - лайн лучшие результаты на сайте FIG , мужчины квалификация http://www.fedintgym.com/microsites/11Tokyo/Results/qual/livetabqualmag.html

Victor: 2011 Worlds: MAG qualifications 3 A number of teams fighting for a test event place in this subdivision, plus some potential finailists and an excellent moustache. Rotation One Bertoncelj (SLO) FX: some terrible tumbling. A Full twist. A side somie. A straight back. Van Assche (NED) V: Kaz 1/2 Barretto Junior (BRA) PB: tippelt, diamadov, Stutz to 1, double pike several large steps. Morandi (ITA) HB: yamawaki, endos, 1/1 double straight Dimic (SLO) FX: 2 ½ - front (fall). 1 ½ - 1/1., double twist (3rd oob) Bletterman (NED) V: kaz 1/1, step. Barbosa (BRA) PB: really interesting routine, double back from hang, clever under somie double back (no idea how else to describe it), gienger, good double pike. Busnari (ITA) HB: yamawaki, stalder hop 1 ½, stalder hop 1/1, 1/1 double straight with a step Stenberg (SWE) FX: whip – ½ 1 ¾, 1/1 double straight, 1/1 – ½, 1 ½ - 1 ½, 2 ½ Van Gelder (NED) V: double front (big stagger forward) Hypolito (BRA) PB: gaint, moy, healy, 1 ¼ front, under somie cut catch, back cut, double back good landing. Ottavi (ITA) HB: tak 1/1 – yamawaki, 2/2 straight dismount. Butter (NED) V: sits his roche Sasaki (BRA) PB: lovely. Nice straddle front 1 ¼ through to catch in hang under the bar (the element he submitted), good double pike. Brazilians showing some real originality here. Principi (ITA) HB: missed this. Gonzalez (CHI) FX 2/2 tuck, 2/1 – 1/1, 2 ½ - rudi, whip – high Thomas, straight Thomas, triple twist (step) Juarez Morataya (GUA) PH: Wammers (NED) V: nice ½ on 2/1 twist front. Kaz 1 ½ good landing. Silva (BRA) PB: interesting mount (can’t quite describe it). Great PBars rotation for brazil. Pozzo (ITA) HB: yamawaki with an extra half to catch in mixed, rybalko, tak ½, stlader hop 1 12, tak 1/1 – yamwaaki, hop 1/1, 2/2 straight with a step. Rotation Two Ottavi FX: pretty basic stuff mostly, took a walk after his double Arabian. Van Assche PB: gienger, tippelt, moy, healy, healy to upper arms, double pike. Barretto Junior HB: hits. A bit of a mess (scrappy straight and straddle tkatchev), stuck 1/1 double straight dismount. Morandi FX: straight marinich, 1 ½ - straight straight 1/1, front 1 ¾, Arabian double. Bertoncelj PH: gets through with a few leg separations. Finals worthy. Better PB: peach, moy, tippelt, diamadov 1 ¼ and falls out onto one bar, somehow continues, healy and catches leg, double pike Sasaki HB: makes it, but quite a fight to get through. Prinicipi FX good triplw twist to close. Wammes PB: giant, tippelt, moy, stutz, stutz to 1, double pike. Hypolito HB: yamawaki – gienger, stalder hop 1 ½, falls on an invert after struggling earlier in the routine. Stalder hop 1/1, jaeger, stuck dismount. Pozzo FX: Thomas, 2 ½ to finish with a big step. Stenberg PH: loses himself on a triple Russian. Falls. Zonderland PB : tippelt, diamodov 2 ¼, diamodov to 1 bar, healy back, straddle front 1 ¼ to catch, double pike. No finals I think. Barbosa HB : straight tkatchev, moznik, rybalko, stuck 1/1 double straight. Angioletti FX: arabian double pike, big hop, 1 ½ - straight 1/1, front 1 ¾, arabian 1 ¾. Bletterman PB : moy, tippelt, diamadov, double pike with a good landing. Silva HB : yamawaki, the ususal turn, stuck 1/1 double straight Rotation Three Sasaki FX : 1 ½ -double front (stuck), straight thomas, tuck thomas, something goes a bit wrong on a rebounding front series and only a tuck ½ at then end, Morandi PH : stays on Petkovsek (SLO) R : seated cross, double pike and tuck front between the rings. Van Assche HB : hits Silva FX : Arabian double, ½ 1 ¾ straight, front 1 ¾, 1 ½ - 1/1 tuck, 2 ½ dismount. Principi PH : stays on and well swung dismount Butter HB : yamawaki, endo 1/1, stuck double straight. Ottavi PH : hits Wammes HB : tak 1/1 – yamawaki, moznik, step on the dismount Barbosa FX – Arabian double, whip – ½ 1 ¾ straight, front 1 ¾, 2 ½ dismount. Zanetti (BRA) FX : arabian double pike, front 1 ¾, stuck Arabian double to finish. Pozzo PH : Magyar, sivado, falls out of the HS Bletterman HB : hits, but a bit flat in the releases. Hypolito FX : whip – Arabian double pike, 1 ½ - randi, 2 ½ - 2/1, tuck Thomas, straight Thomas, triple and a big bounce and nearly hands down Busnari PH : stockli, up to hs and down again, tries a second time and has to use strength, 2/1 in the dismount. Zonderland HB :cassina, kolman, tak 1/1- yamawaki, rybalko, 2/2 straight. Rotation Four Van Gelder FX :double front, double pike (big jump), front 1/1 tuck dismount Sasaki PH : makes it through but nearly lost himself on the russians Principi R : 1/1 double straight dismount. Stenberg V : DTY, a but short. Van Assche FX : horrible socks. Perilously close to the floor on his ½ 1 ¾ roll out. Barbosa PH : another hit pommels. Brazil are going well. Pozzo R :struggled a bit to get to HS in places, but nice 2/2 tuck dismount. Bletterman FX : 2 double Arabians to open, triple twist to close. Skinniest legs all day. Silva PH : another hit routine. Ottavi R : l cross press to maltese, regular cross, 1 ½ double tuck to close. Gonzalez V : 2.5TY, short and a step back, nice tsuk double pike, but almost certainly not enough Butter FX : he’d be better for you if he was call margarine, Arabian double pike, 1 ½ - 1/1, 2 ½ - front, double Arabian close Barretto Junior PH : triple Russian, tong fei, Russians to the dismount. Angioletti R : kip to maltse, raise to planche, bounce to cross, stuck dismount Petkovsek V : straight tsuk Wammes FX : Arabian double pike ½ out, 1 ½ -2/1 twist, straight Thomas, sits down Arabian double pike side pass, 2 ½ - straight front, triple twist (a bit short) Hypolito PH : nice leg form, tong fei, Russians, good dismount. About the best the Brazialians could have hoped for. Morandi R: nice strength and a double straight dismount. Bertoncelj V :straight tsuk Rotation Five Romero FX : 3 falls? Van Assche PH : bent legs on 1 handle work and some of the travels, Sasaki R : feet high in the planche, 2/2 tuck dismount Ottavi V : Kaz ½, Gonzalez Vega FX : Total mess. Bletterman PH : falls twice Barbosa R : loses his back in the giants and sits the double front pike dismount Principi V : rudi, nice line Gonzalez PB : hits Butter PH : triple russian, Russian travel, dismounts pretty quickly, but clean. Barretto Junior R : double pike dismount. Pozzo V : DTY, short and a big step forward Zonderland PH : hits. Scrappy leg form. Zanetti R : maltese – bounce back to maltese, excellent strength positions, stuck double straight 1/1. Morandi V : double front and falls forward onto his hands. Petkovsek PB :sits the tippelt. Walks after his double pike. All over. Wammes PH : spectacular fall off the bat onto his back. Falls again. Hands slippery, hits the horse several times. The Dutch are going to count some low scores on the horse. Hypolito R : 2/2 tuck with a big step Angioletti V : double front landed well Rotation Six Romero PH : falls at least twice. Bletterman R : Loses his back in a giant and then falls on the double front pike dismount. Barretto Junior V : Kaz 1/2 Gonzalez HB : hits Barbosa V : Stuck DTY. The Brazailians could take Puerto Rico for the best South American team with a good couple more vaults Butter R : feet low in the strength, sits the double pike after hitting himself in the face with the rings. All over for the Dutch. Test event looks beyond reach. Van Assche R : first hit routine for the Dutch Sasaki V : stuck Roche. Pozzo PB : tippelt, healy to upper arms from 1 bar, healy, stutz to 1 (missed the HS), double pike (step) Wammes R : gives up, just a double tuck dismount. The Dutch must know. Zanetti V : tidy roche with knees together and a step. Ottavi PB : giant, front 1 1/4 to upper arms, healy, stutz to 1, double pike and a hurried few paces back to avoid sitting it. Van Gelder R : super strength. Stuck double straight dismount. Hypolito V : Kaz 1 1/2, good landing but slightly off direction, great 1/2 on - 2/1 front. Brazil take Puerto Rico. 5 behind Ukraine. Morandi PB : giant, peach, stutz to 1 rail, double pike. Italy are not even going to taken Portugal, so they also look to have missed out on the Test Event источник http://www.the-all-around.com

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